Online Jobs
Work Smarter with AI
By LazyApply
$99 - $249
LazyApply offers an AI-powered job application automation tool that simplifies the job search process. By automating the application process on platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter, LazyA...
Job Applications
By Wahojobs via JobCopilot
$29.9 - $39.9 / month
Job Copilot by Wahojobs via JobCopilot is an AI-powered solution that automates job searches and applications. This tool saves time and effort by applying to relevant jobs daily and providing access t...
By AIApply
$19.93 / month
AIApply provides AI-powered job search tools designed to automate various aspects of the job application process. It offers services like AI-generated cover letters, resumes, follow-up emails, and pro...
By Kadir Celep - ChatGPT
Job Application Coach by Kadir Celep assists users in refining their job applications by offering tailored advice on resumes, cover letters, and interview preparation. It uses conversational exchanges...
By Feridoon Malekzadeh - ChatGPT
Merlin, the Job Application Wizard by Feridoon Malekzadeh assists job seekers through the entire application process, from understanding the job and company to tailoring resumes and preparing for inte...
Resume Tailoring
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